3rd Floor Christianity

Where Faith Is Alive

If you are like me you are very concerned about the violence, lack of caring, self-centeredness, and disregard for varying opinions and views in the world. What happened to religion and faith? What happened to community?

Maybe you are a non-believer. Perhaps you have seen how science explains the mechanizations of the world and don't need faith in God to hold onto. Perhaps you have seen "religious" people and organized religion act in ways that are clearly non-religious. You are dissolutioned and put off by what you thought was a safe place be yourself.

I get it. I understand. But all is not lost. The world may have abandoned God but God has not the world. I can show you exactly where God is. Believe me when I say he hasn't gone anywhere.

Most people are caught on the 1st or 2nd floor when it comes to Christianity. Heck, most people are not aware there is a 3rd floor. Let me show you where people are and why the world looks like it does, all within the context of Christianity.

The First Floor

Let's examine the first floor: the floor that is the foundation for everything above it. This is the floor for evolutionists. This floor is all about "we are born, we live, we die, and we are gone". Any moral code that exists is a construct created by individuals and enforced through arbitrary and sometimes capricious laws. Learn more...
